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Spring Street Cleaning at 1609 19 Av SW

Oil spill on 19 Ave SW
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00337270
Spring Street Cleaning at 1609 19 Av SW

Spring Street Cleaning at 23 Rockyspring Green NW Northwest Calgary

I just came home after the street sweeping was through our cul-de-sac and it's almost worse than it was prior. There is gravel all through the street now.
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00423000
Spring Street Cleaning at 23 Rockyspring Green NW Northwest Calgary

Spring Street Cleaning at 124 Pump Hill Gd SW

Pumphill Gdns and Pumphill way were cleaned may 17 but significant gravel and debris remain on all 4 culdesacs and cross streets Needs a re-do
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00375676

Spring Street Cleaning at 68 Tuscany Estates Tc NW

It appears there may have been vehicles parked in the street when the sweeper came to clean the gravel from the winter. A few spots were missed on our cut-du-sac
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00411896

Spring Street Cleaning at 143 Mt Victoria Pl SE

CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00343218
Spring Street Cleaning at 143 Mt Victoria Pl SE

Spring Street Cleaning at Arbour Meadows Close NW Arbour Lake Calgary

Street Cleaning sign date is WRONG at Arbour Meadows Close NW - it was placed today June 6th , and the sign say cleaning on June 4th!! I believe it SHOULD say June 11, as other signs in the area say June 11. Please have this sign CORREC...
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00428192

Spring Street Cleaning at 332 46 Av SW

Gravel remaining after cleaning.
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00362895
Spring Street Cleaning at 332 46 Av SW

Spring Street Cleaning at 8039 Huntington Rd NE Huntington Hills

Correction to address (location) for case#24-00320771.
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00320777

Spring Street Cleaning at 24 Canata Cl SW

Debris and gravel left on the road
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00295319
Spring Street Cleaning at 24 Canata Cl SW

Spring Street Cleaning at 28 Woodview Co SW

The street sweeper came down our cul de sac last week but only did the edges. The main part of the street is still covered in rocks. We have seniors on our street who walk to get their mail with walkers and canes as well as kids outside p...
CLOSED 20 days ago #24-00303026
Spring Street Cleaning at 28 Woodview Co SW

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