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Snow On City Road at 3237 19 Av SE

Snow on road piling up and spilling to sidewalk, side walk reduced by 20% and road width reduced to one lane. If I park my trailer wheel one inch on side walk I get a ticket threat, but half of side walk is gone, what you do now? Sip your...
CLOSED Move to 7 Day SNIC Plan. 2018-2-9 DAC; Thank you for your Service Request. Please know that we are currently working through our 7 Day plan and this location will be addressed through our 7 day snow plan. Priority System; * Day 1 - We start on the high volume roads, called Priority 1s, in order to keep the greatest number of Calgarians travelling safely. Priority 1 roads, such as Crowchild and Glenmore Trail, carry more than 20,000 vehicles per day, and are plowed, sanded and salted by the end of the first 24 hours once the snow stops falling. Please note this is a straight through pass on all priority ones, not including turning lanes nor bus lay-bys, these are done on Day 3. Steps and Walks are also included in our Day 1 SNIC Plan and these areas have been determined by City Council please visit to learn more about prioritized areas for snow clearing; * Day 2 - Up next are the Priority 2 roads which are plowed, sanded and salted within 48 hours after the snow has stopped. Priority 2 routes are roads which typically carry 5,000 to 19,999 vehicles per day. These area's included many Transit bus routes, Roadways with marked, on-street bike lanes, designated emergency routes and any other problem areas; * Days 3-6 - On day three, we move into the residential areas as well as designated feeder collector routes that run in and out of communities. Residential roads with school and playground zones, hills and intersections are considered a Priority 3, while the remaining residential roads that have the lowest traffic volumes are considered to be a Priority 4; City crews maintain residential roads on days three through six by sanding, salting and flat-blading. Under our plan, plows will knock down ruts to 12cms, but will not remove snow from residential streets; * Day 7 - On the last day of the Seven Day Plan, crews will monitor the roads and respond to service requests for additional snow and ice control and get ready to do it all over again. Roads will also handle any other areas that they will identify that need snow removal action required. - over 5 years ago #18-00120751

Snow On City Road at 1200–1298 Baldwin Cres SW

Semi-trailer was stuck a couple nights ago and due to AMJ Campbell's attempts to free the truck, two 7-8cm tracks are dug across the road. Dangerous to drive over with passenger vehicles
CLOSED over 10 years ago #13-00637668
Snow On City Road at 1200–1298 Baldwin Cres SW


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