Furniture or Structure Concern in a Park-WAM at 76 Range Wy NW

CLOSED Completed - Close SR - almost 7 years ago #17-00545529
Submitted Wed Jun 07, 2017

Park apparatus

Type of service: Playground Maintenance

Describe the concern. Where has all the playground equipment disappeared to? Missing now is a horse swing. Slowly every item has been removed and I'm concerned if any will be replaced. We are down to 2 swings from 3. This is a well used park by children in the neighborhood, local day care centers and a multitude of children whose siblings are in nightly soccer in the summer. We encourage kids to get outdoors and exercise but if the playground equipment disappears, without any plan for replacement, then what? What do I have to do to ensure the continuing viability of this play park?!

address: 76 RANGE WY NW, CALGARY, T3G1H4

coordinates x,y: -13604.419374464036, 5665208.906768689

coordinates lat,lng: 51.12289317888312, -114.1943348386457

ward: 2

Timestamp Description
Thu Jun 29, 2017 05:49pm Closed with status: Completed - Close SR
Thu Jun 29, 2017 05:47pm Stage 3 Message (NB: Integrated) >> Completed - Close SR
Wed Jun 07, 2017 07:32pm Opened
Wed Jun 07, 2017 07:31pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone