Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 620 Douglas Glen Bv SE

CLOSED Move to Future Slabjacking List. trip edges repaired on Mud jacking list to adjust slop of concrete to ensure drainage. - over 4 years ago #17-00696958
Submitted Thu Jul 13, 2017

Ice heave had cause drainage slope to reverse causing side walk to flood every rain, freezes in winter making it very dangerous to walk on. City seems to have repaired cracks on either side in lieu of correcting slope issue.

Nature of Concern: Heaving / Sinking Sidewalk

Type of Sidewalk: Concrete

Specific Details: Ice heave had cause drainage slope to reverse causing side walk to flood every rain, freezes in winter making it very dangerous to walk on. City seems to have repaired cracks on either side in lieu of correcting slope issue.

Specific Location: Ice heave had cause drainage slope to reverse causing side walk to flood every rain, freezes in winter making it very dangerous to walk on. City seems to have repaired cracks on either side in lieu of correcting slope issue.


coordinates x,y: -618.8682777979227, 5646691.4949298

coordinates lat,lng: 50.95658758048489, -114.0088087432141

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:43pm Closed with status: Move to Future Slabjacking List. trip edges repaired on Mud jacking list to adjust slop of concrete to ensure drainage.
Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:08pm Field Inspection >> Move to Future Slabjacking List
Thu Jul 13, 2017 08:23am Opened
Thu Jul 13, 2017 08:21am Submitted via iPhone Iphone