On-Street Bike Lane - Repair at 7952 Masters Bv SE

CLOSED Move to Future SNIC (Snow and Ice) List. CH 2018-03-15 Due to the recent snow event, we have returned to our SNIC 7 - Day Snow Plan. Therefore, it is very important that homeowners know they need to clear the gutter and swales when doing their daily snow clearing from their sidewalk to ensure water can reach/ drain to the catch basin. we want to inform the citizen to clear ice and snow that's blocking their storm drain to help water flow. With having to return to 7 Day plan and multiple amounts of requests for Catch basin service we could be several days before reaching your area. - over 5 years ago #18-00235070
Submitted Tue Mar 13, 2018

Manhole hasn't drain all day today and it look like it going over the grass and about to hit my fences.

Specific location details: Corner of Masters Common and Masters Blvd SE

Type of Road: RESID008

address: 7952 MASTERS BV SE

coordinates x,y: 5642.971292129796, 5639908.5225958135

coordinates lat,lng: 50.895582, -113.919785

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Thu Apr 05, 2018 06:05pm Closed with status: Move to Future SNIC (Snow and Ice) List. CH 2018-03-15 Due to the recent snow event, we have returned to our SNIC 7 - Day Snow Plan. Therefore, it is very important that homeowners know they need to clear the gutter and swales when doing their daily snow clearing from their sidewalk to ensure water can reach/ drain to the catch basin. we want to inform the citizen to clear ice and snow that's blocking their storm drain to help water flow. With having to return to 7 Day plan and multiple amounts of requests for Catch basin service we could be several days before reaching your area.
Thu Mar 15, 2018 01:39pm Field Inspection >> Move to Future SNIC (Snow and Ice) List
Thu Mar 15, 2018 03:38am SR Review >> Field Inspection Required
Tue Mar 13, 2018 05:42pm Opened
Tue Mar 13, 2018 05:41pm Submitted via Android Android