On-Street Bike Lane - Repair at 4735 17 Av NW

CLOSED Move to Future Backlane Maintenance List. BM - This gravel lane has clearance issues with a large grader. This lane is on a future Work list For Bobcat Grader repairs. Crew is currently working through community lists. This lane will be addressed when in Montgomery / Bowness.,thank you. - over 5 years ago #18-00822411

Alley was NOT maintained again. All others were done in neighbourhood. This is a busy alley and with all the commercial traffic we need it to be done. This was missed last year as well. The ruts are getting bad for small cars. Why would one alley be left out of an entire neighbourhood? We pay taxes too!

Issue: POTHO003

Specific location details: Alley of 4700 block, 17th Ave NW.

Type of Road: RESID008

address: 4735 17 AV NW

coordinates x,y: -11468.712343725672, 5659663.29654541

coordinates lat,lng: 51.073087, -114.163651

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Wed Aug 29, 2018 04:38pm Closed with status: Move to Future Backlane Maintenance List. BM - This gravel lane has clearance issues with a large grader. This lane is on a future Work list For Bobcat Grader repairs. Crew is currently working through community lists. This lane will be addressed when in Montgomery / Bowness.,thank you.
Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:49am SR Review >> Move to Future Backlane Maintenance List
Fri Aug 17, 2018 09:29pm Opened
Fri Aug 17, 2018 09:23pm Submitted via Android Android