Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 239 8 Av NW

CLOSED over 5 years ago #18-01010327

Short Sidewalk portion in disrepair causing multiple injuries and has been reported several times. Kids scooters cannot get over the asphalt and fall in the erroded gravel trap. Ice fills the missing sidewalk stone creating a hazard. One cannot properly shovel as the whole walk is graded wrong. The neighbor is getting his walk repaired this week, why can you not do the pressing issues? All of rosedale was done whether the walk was needed or not and their sidewalk is generally two decades newer. Early spring the city came out to spray paint our walk but the cases keep getting closed down. Can we fill the missing block with cement to get us through the winter if we are not going to properly get around to it?

Nature of Concern: Protruding Sidewalk Edge (Trip Edge)

Type of Sidewalk: Asphalt

Specific Details: See above. Sidewalk is concrete and ashphalt; most of it is concrete but the asphalt mound is half the problem

Specific Location: North of 239 8th ave

If at intersection corner? NW

address: 239 8 AV NW

coordinates x,y: -4717.025708896515, 5658173.089353604

coordinates lat,lng: 51.05978566274179, -114.0672895578044

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Tue Oct 23, 2018 05:30pm Closed
Tue Oct 16, 2018 07:54am Opened
Tue Oct 16, 2018 07:52am Submitted via iPhone Iphone