Snow On City-maintained Pathway or Sidewalk at 110 Autumn Gv SE

CLOSED over 5 years ago #18-01176224

>>> 311 Response: This issue has been forwarded to Bylaw Services for their review as this is the responsibility of the home owner There are 2 properties that have built ice rinks in their back yards. As you walk round the back of the properties there is a wet pond. One of these properties has not built the ice rink correctly and it has leaked all down the hill and has made the path around the wet pond treacherous! You have to walk way off the path up a grass verge to get round the path from the leaked, frozen water. My daughter fell whilst we were walking our dog, and we walk this route several times a day!!! It needs sorting, it's a heavily used path.

Type of Location: City - maintained sidewalk

address: 110 AUTUMN GV SE

coordinates x,y: 2207.8795728030204, 5639592.508211715

coordinates lat,lng: 50.89276438011491, -113.9686168234731

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Thu Dec 13, 2018 01:37pm Closed
Sun Dec 09, 2018 07:06pm Opened
Sun Dec 09, 2018 07:05pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone