Backlane Maintenance at 2816 26 A St SW

CLOSED Move to Future Hot Box List - Roadway. Low Spot has been inspected; all maintenance repairs are rated for severity and prioritized. Repairs are carried out with the most severe being completed first. Please be patient as the weather can have a direct effect on the pothole program. This job will remain on our work list until completion. - almost 5 years ago #19-00420055
Submitted Thu May 16, 2019

Newly paved lane showing sink hole and pothole not draining as a result

Issue: Manhole (Too High or Too Low only)

Specific details of the issue: Manhole has sunk General sink hole in alley not allowing water to get to drain

Specific Location details: Behind 2814 26a street

Type of Backlane: Paved Backlane

address: 2816 26A ST SW

coordinates x,y: -8734.188574869107, 5654805.242724099

coordinates lat,lng: 51.02946265644756, -114.1245140943905

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Wed Jun 05, 2019 03:24pm Closed with status: Move to Future Hot Box List - Roadway. Low Spot has been inspected; all maintenance repairs are rated for severity and prioritized. Repairs are carried out with the most severe being completed first. Please be patient as the weather can have a direct effect on the pothole program. This job will remain on our work list until completion.
Thu May 16, 2019 03:42pm Field Inspection >> Move to Future Hot Box List - Roadway
Thu May 16, 2019 03:16pm Opened
Thu May 16, 2019 03:15pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone