Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 4104 15 St SW

CLOSED over 2 years ago #20-00413115
Submitted Wed May 20, 2020

The sidewalk has sunk two inches and several adults and kids are tripping on the hazard.

Nature of Concern: Heaving / Sinking Sidewalk

Type of Sidewalk: Concrete

Specific Details: In addition to the sunken section, there are several other cracks that have developed over time.

Specific Location: The sidewalk directly in front of 4104 15 ST SW

address: 4104 15 ST SW

coordinates x,y: -6819.900532720997, 5653520.163299237

coordinates lat,lng: 51.01793599999998, -114.0972

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Wed Aug 25, 2021 07:31am Closed
Wed May 20, 2020 02:37pm Opened
Wed May 20, 2020 02:36pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone