Backlane Maintenance at 1424 Russet Rd NE

CLOSED almost 4 years ago #20-00422887
Submitted Sat May 23, 2020

Back allley is filled with divots and potholes and is a mud pit and needs to be back filled with gravel

Issue: Gravel

Specific details of the issue: It's basically marsh land

Specific Location details: Alley behind 1400 block of russet road between school and houses

Type of Backlane: Gravel Backlane

address: 1424 RUSSET RD NE

coordinates x,y: -2928.3090445445705, 5658751.5967785055

coordinates lat,lng: 51.06499817650197, -114.0417777548454

ward: 9

Timestamp Description
Thu Jun 04, 2020 03:48pm Closed
Sat May 23, 2020 12:48pm Opened
Sat May 23, 2020 12:45pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone