Spring Street Cleaning at 166 Rundleview Cl NE

CLOSED almost 4 years ago #20-00427447
Submitted Mon May 25, 2020

Every year one neighbor just doesn't remove his vehicle for cleaning as you can see in the photo. This year we should have been able to get the cleaning done. The washer goes around the curve and never comes close to cleaning the curve. Why is it I can get ticketed and towed when the cleaner never cleans our curve and the negligent neighbor seems to never get a ticket. It would nice to have a clean street. Most of the mess is this neighbors too.

Issue: Missed Street - Re-Sweep Request

address: 166 RUNDLEVIEW CL NE

coordinates x,y: 2647.1411407734163, 5660431.71944821

coordinates lat,lng: 51.08010332, -113.96222133

ward: 10

Timestamp Description
Mon May 25, 2020 01:01pm Closed
Mon May 25, 2020 11:54am Opened
Mon May 25, 2020 11:51am Submitted via Android Android