On-Street Bike Lane - Repair at 601 1 St NE

CLOSED about 2 years ago #20-00825106
Submitted Mon Sep 21, 2020

Southwest corner of intersection of 5Avenue and 1St NE. The water is unable to drain properly as the drain isn't even in the correct spot. I submitted a previous ticket and it was closed despite informing me it would be passed onto the roads department. This corner becomes unusable to people with strollers and wheelchairs when there is any water pooled at the corner.

Issue: DRAIN002

Specific location details: Southwest corner of intersection of 5 Avenue and 1 Street NE. Across from rotary park splash park.

Type of Road: RESID008

address: 601 1 ST NE

coordinates x,y: -4209.877842919638, 5657872.689740765

coordinates lat,lng: 51.05708909900331, -114.0600514771494

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Fri Jan 28, 2022 09:57am Closed
Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:17am Opened
Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:14am Submitted via iPhone Iphone