On-Street Bike Lane - Repair at 6930 26 Av NE
Simply filthy, a quagmire that we've put up with for three years. The garage is unusable with mud and dirt brought in and everything gets covered in a film of dust. It's disgusting! I've never lived in such filth and I constantly clean the lane way out of garbage and debris. The developer long ago should have been made to pave all back lane ways as part of the agreement with the city to develop. I would hope politicians and bureaucrats would want to be proud of the city they helped build.
Issue: DUSGR001
Specific details of the issue: Pot holes & mud every time it gets wet weather, dust, some unkept properties, and lots of bus traffic (more wear and tear) compounding the issue due to a children's day care at one end of the lane way.
Specific location details: Pot holes, mud, and dust.
Type of Road: Gravel Road
address: 6930 26 AV NE
coordinates x,y: 4708.818791870459, 5659995.860025576
coordinates lat,lng: 51.076171875, -113.9328037937619
ward: 10
Timestamp | Description |
Fri Jan 06, 2023 08:14am | Closed |
Tue Apr 20, 2021 02:27pm | Opened |
Tue Apr 20, 2021 02:25pm | Submitted via iPhone |