Road Repair at 4104 49 St NW

OPENED almost 3 years ago #21-00617149
Submitted Thu Aug 19, 2021

Manholecover is getting lower and lower. Is now Too low

Specific location details: In the intersection of 49 st NW and 40 Ave nw

Specific details of the issue: Manhole cover is too low. It has always been a bit low but is now too low

address: 4104 49 ST NW

coordinates x,y: -11089.139427574217, 5661339.304491652

coordinates lat,lng: 51.08816117, -114.15828617

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Thu Aug 19, 2021 09:17pm Opened
Thu Aug 19, 2021 09:14pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone