Debris on Backlane(OLD) at 63 Martinbrook Rd NE

CLOSED almost 2 years ago #22-00229447
Submitted Mon Apr 11, 2022

Lots of trash and tires in alley.

Type of Debris: Boxes/Paper/Cardboard Bundles

Specific Details of issue: Within the last 2 weeks there has been an accumulation of debris being left behind in our alley way. There are tires and a mattress and general house hold garbage all through the alley.

Specific Location Details: This goes from one end to the other in various places throughout the alley.


coordinates x,y: 2942.7506639246435, 5664422.085772448

coordinates lat,lng: 51.11597387, -113.95797003

ward: 5

Timestamp Description
Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:26am Closed
Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:40pm Opened
Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:36pm Submitted via Android Android