Debris on Backlane(OLD) at 84 Taradale Dr NE

CLOSED almost 2 years ago #22-00244095
Submitted Mon Apr 18, 2022

Construction debris in back lane

Type of Debris: Construction or Landscape Materials / Gravel

Specific Details of issue: Construction debris in back lane

Specific Location Details: Across from new garage pad

address: 84 TARADALE DR NE

coordinates x,y: 3879.486464833831, 5664280.740514838

coordinates lat,lng: 51.1146976560954, -113.9445925839168

ward: 5

Timestamp Description
Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:45am Closed
Mon Apr 18, 2022 01:33pm Opened
Mon Apr 18, 2022 01:31pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone