Debris on Backlane(OLD) at 227 Castleridge Dr NE

CLOSED almost 2 years ago #22-00253324
Submitted Thu Apr 21, 2022

Type of Debris: Furniture and Household Items

Specific Details of issue: The house at 23 Castlegrove Way keeps dumping carts I saw city of Calgary already grace some yesterday and now they are back

Specific Location Details: Alley way on Castlegrove side and Castleridge drive alley way and on casyltlebrook drive alley attached to Castleridge drive

address: 227 CASTLERIDGE DR NE

coordinates x,y: 2757.108111676331, 5663450.3021864025

coordinates lat,lng: 51.1072388204398, -113.9606289011199

ward: 5

Timestamp Description
Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:50am Closed
Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:45pm Opened
Thu Apr 21, 2022 12:44pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone