Traffic/Pedestrian Signal Repair at 3221 Sunridge Wy NE

CLOSED about 1 year ago #23-00518209
Submitted Tue Jul 11, 2023

Signal out, walks come up with no request.

Type of Traffic Device: Pedestrian Walk Sign or Accessible Signal

Specific details of problem: Not working

Direction of Travel: All Directions

Date you noticed problem: Tue Jul 11, 2023

Time you noticed problem: 06:12am

address: 3221 SUNRIDGE WY NE

coordinates x,y: 559.2235168524043, 5659213.6846203795

coordinates lat,lng: 51.06915940000908, -113.992020925003

ward: 10

Timestamp Description
Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:58am Closed
Tue Jul 11, 2023 06:16am Opened
Tue Jul 11, 2023 06:13am Submitted via iPhone Iphone