Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 137 Cranbrook Gd SE

OPENED 2 months ago #23-00789031
Submitted Mon Oct 23, 2023

Speed enforcement and street crossing lights or signs NEEDED[FQ-BEGIN: What is the nature of your concern?:Permanent Sign (Add or Modify) | Provide DETAILS of your request (include LOCATION DETAILS - street, intersection, landmarks etc.):The speeding and lack of caution demonstrated by drivers in this area is repeatedly scary and now a child was hit this morning because of it. Stop or yield signs; cross walk and lights; no parking signs in front of the intersection. Anything to help slow down traffic in this area. | Mobile Apps Image Link: | Describe the LOCATION of your request in detail. (Street, intersection, landmark, etc.):Intersection of Cranston Ave and Cranbrook Gardens and Cranbrook Court SE. Bottom of the hill. FQ-END]

Issue: Permanent Sign (Add or Modify)

Details of request: The speeding and lack of caution demonstrated by drivers in this area is repeatedly scary and now a child was hit this morning because of it. Stop or yield signs; cross walk and lights; no parking signs in front of the intersection. Anything to help slow down traffic in this area.

Specific location details: Intersection of Cranston Ave and Cranbrook Gardens and Cranbrook Court SE. Bottom of the hill.

address: 137 CRANBROOK GD SE

coordinates x,y: 1881.7690794961684, 5636013.61558925

coordinates lat,lng: 50.86059131746771, -113.973270624141

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Mon Oct 23, 2023 01:10pm Opened
Mon Oct 23, 2023 01:08pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone