Pedestrian and Cycling Pathway - Repair - WAM at 620 67 Av SW

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1636701. - 8 months ago #23-00876858
Submitted Mon Nov 27, 2023

At south side sidewalk of 5th Street SW overpass over Glenmore Trail. Tripping hazard with sign stub protruding from sidewalk after sign was sheared off during a car crash several months ago. Police did attend Note sign currently behind traffic switchbox

Issue: Closures - Detours

Date Noticed: Mon Nov 27, 2023

address: 620 67 AV SW

coordinates x,y: -5353.369094616556, 5650832.891460742

coordinates lat,lng: 50.99379352, -114.0762588

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:27pm Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1636701.
Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:33pm Complete
Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:26pm Opened
Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:24pm Submitted via Android Android