Traffic/Pedestrian Signal Repair at 2701 32 Av NE

CLOSED 3 months ago #24-00278645
Submitted Wed Apr 17, 2024

Crosswalk buttons don't work

Type of Traffic Device: Traffic Signal Light or Pole

Specific details of problem: Button doesn't work

Direction of Travel: All Directions

Date you noticed problem: Wed Apr 17, 2024

Time you noticed problem: 04:06pm

address: 2701 32 AV NE

coordinates x,y: 191.56585937437532, 5660559.811702344

coordinates lat,lng: 51.0812609, -113.997266

ward: 10

Timestamp Description
Wed Apr 17, 2024 08:03pm Closed
Wed Apr 17, 2024 04:07pm Opened
Wed Apr 17, 2024 04:07pm Submitted via Android Android