View Requests - 18,347 found

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 219 Lake Moraine Pl SE

Street light burnt out
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 27 days ago #24-00853961

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 215 Lake Moraine Pl SE

Burnt out street lamp
CLOSED 27 days ago #24-00853971

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 5647 Maidstone Cr NE

This happens way too much. All the lights in my crescent are out. They aren't burnt out or flickering, they were turned off. Turn them on please!
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 27 days ago #24-00853937
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 5647 Maidstone Cr NE

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 208 Applebrook Ci SE

Two streetlights burnt out for over a week
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 27 days ago #24-00853918

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 34 Martinridge Wy NE

Street light out
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 28 days ago #24-00853753

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 56 Cornerstone Cr NE

Light post no light
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 28 days ago #24-00851964
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 56 Cornerstone Cr NE

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 46 St NW Northwest Calgary Calgary

Street light outside 3007 46th St NW has not worked for almost a year
CLOSED Completed - Close SR - 28 days ago #24-00851569

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 183 Harvest Park Tc NE

Street light burnt out again. Originally reported a month ago, was fixed, but it's burnt out again.
CLOSED Completed - Close SR. 2024-11-05 RL. Your location has been added to the Roads Street Light Outage Map application. Please check the website for any updates. Closing 311 SR. Work Request #83509. - 28 days ago #24-00851211
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 183 Harvest Park Tc NE

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 436 Queen Alexandra Wy SE

Street light doesn't work most evenings
CLOSED 29 days ago #24-00851061

Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 2303 Charlebois Dr NW

Light out
CLOSED Completed - Close SR. Nov 4/2024 MC - Your location has been added to the Roads Street Light Outage Map application. Please check the website for any updates. Closing 311 SR. Work Request # 83312 - 29 days ago #24-00851017
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 2303 Charlebois Dr NW

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