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Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 206 Royal Oak Me NW

Broken sprinkler cover
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1634202. - about 1 year ago #23-00762836
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 206 Royal Oak Me NW

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 513 Memorial Dr NW

Irrigation line is torn. Perhaps this is no longer in use but wanted to share. Also nearby closer towards 4a street is more rolled up irrigation line (left of 4 St sign)
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633763. - about 1 year ago #23-00748601
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 513 Memorial Dr NW

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 16210 Mc Kenzie Lake Way SE Mc Kenzie Lake

2 Lids from irrigation control valve box are broken
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1634031. - about 1 year ago #23-00756282

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 340 13 Av SW

Water fountain filled with soap, overflowing
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633898. - about 1 year ago #23-00752964
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 340 13 Av SW

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 340 13 Av SW

Water fountain filled with soap
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633899. - about 1 year ago #23-00752972
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 340 13 Av SW

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 76 Cranford Dr SE

Field sprinklers seem to be leaking. The filed is always wet.
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633752. - about 1 year ago #23-00748179

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 306 Cranford Co SE

Sprinklers in the field beside our school are on every morning, lots of big puddles and muddy areas
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633765. - about 1 year ago #23-00748819
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 306 Cranford Co SE

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 809 Willingdon Bv SE

Broken lid sprinkler
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633747. - about 1 year ago #23-00748017
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 809 Willingdon Bv SE

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 8901 Nose Hill Dr NW

6 oak trees planted here. 2 and maybe 3 are extremely dry and may not survive the winter. Oak trees are valued and need extra care. 2 of the oaks look pretty good. They all just need water. I know restrictions exit but a 2 hr water o...
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633634. - about 1 year ago #23-00743401
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 8901 Nose Hill Dr NW

Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 108 Nolanhurst Wy NW

30 cm deep hole beside playground with unattached sprinkler head.
CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1633578. - about 1 year ago #23-00741480
Sprinkler Maintenance in a Park-WAM at 108 Nolanhurst Wy NW

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