View Requests - 3 found

DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM at 3352 8 Av SW

Lawn needs to be cut and garbage removed along westbound shoulder on 8th Avenue SW. section between Spruce Drive and Hemlock Crescent SW. adjacent to Shaganappi Golf Course.
OPENED over 1 year ago #23-00409410
DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM at 3352 8 Av SW

DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM at 216 Chaparral Valley Me SE

Damaged trees on boulevard from city lawn maintenance crews.
OPENED over 1 year ago #23-00396391
DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM at 216 Chaparral Valley Me SE

DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM at 4732 45 St SW

Creeping bellflower taking over catwalk alley
OPENED over 2 years ago #22-00418753
DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM at 4732 45 St SW


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  • DO NOT USE - Mowing - Residential Boulevard up to 50km/h-WAM (remove)