Potholes at 2451 29 Ave SW Richmond

OPENED almost 11 years ago #13-00490972
Wed Oct 02, 2013

Road in front of house has a large hole in it, including a warning barracade. It has been like this since at least April. Come the spring melt, this area is totally flooded and ice accumulates over the curb an onto the sidewalk as no drainage exists.

Type of Road: Paved Residential

Direction of travel: Westbound

address: 2451 29 Ave SW Richmond

coordinates x,y: -8217.160911021772, 5654602.480769302

coordinates lat,lng: 51.02764750000001, -114.11713880000002

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Wed Oct 02, 2013 08:32am
Wed Oct 02, 2013 08:28am Web