Road Repair at 815 24 Av NW

OPENED about 8 years ago #16-00669621
Submitted Sun Jul 10, 2016

There has been poor drainage in the alley since it was graded a few weeks ago. Photo taken several hours after rain ended. Pooling worse during rain

Issue: DRAIN002

Specific location details: In alley behind 815 24 Ave Nw

Type of Road: Gravel Road

address: 815 24 AV, CALGARY, AB

coordinates x,y: -5597.490142804837, 5659766.975181001

coordinates lat,lng: 51.07410629713871, -114.07987424893

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:07pm Opened
Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:03pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone