Road Repair at #58 630 Sabrina Rd SW

OPENED about 8 years ago #16-00677937
Submitted Tue Jul 12, 2016

I continue to report this major concern. It never gets attention with. This small pond continues to grow and nothing is done about it. It blocks our access to our house. Is deep enough in the middle to soak into the my car. People walk around this pond and scrape our cars up all year. In the winter it becomes a ice and slush hazard and would inhibit EMS or fire getting to our house. I am in EMS and know our vehicles would not make it. Deal with it.

Issue: DRAIN002

Specific location details: I continue to report this major concern. It never gets attention with. This small pond continues to grow and nothing is done about it. It blocks our access to our house. Is deep enough in the middle to soak into the my car. People walk around this pond and scrape our cars up all year. In the winter it becomes a ice and slush hazard and would inhibit EMS or fire getting to our house. I am in EMS and know our vehicles would not make it. Deal with it.

Type of Road: RESID008

address: 630 SABRINA RD, CALGARY, AB

coordinates x,y: -5303.884773820359, 5646784.13646192

coordinates lat,lng: 50.95739634992455, -114.0754948579858

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:33pm Issue Resolved - Close SR
Wed Jul 13, 2016 08:35am Field Inspection Required
Tue Jul 12, 2016 03:42pm Opened
Tue Jul 12, 2016 03:40pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone