Road Repair at 4304 32 Av SW

OPENED about 8 years ago #16-00723167
Submitted Mon Jul 25, 2016

Big potholes in back alley - the usual annual fill with dirt and scrape method is not working. Potholes come back very quickly. Any way that the City can add some aggregate into the potholes first for a more durable solution? They are big and unavoidable due to being located throughout the entrance area. Thank you!

Issue: POTHO003

Specific location details: On entrance to back alley from 32 Ave SW. Alley located between 42 and 43 streets SW

Type of Road: Gravel Road

address: 4304 32 AV, CALGARY, AB

coordinates x,y: -10447.53559502405, 5654383.620199223

coordinates lat,lng: 51.02564380774553, -114.1489272445016

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:42am Opened
Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:41am Submitted via iPhone Iphone