Road Repair at 1240 16 Av NW
. The pavement it's not even and there is a whole close to the sidewalk
Issue: Uneven Surface / Cracks
Specific details of the issue: . The pavement it's not even and there is a whole close to the sidewalk
Specific location details: 12 street between 16 and 17 Ave NW
Type of Road: Paved Public Road
address: 1240 16 AV NW
coordinates x,y: -6302.985422562324, 5659021.853581972
coordinates lat,lng: 51.06740057938831, -114.0899284278174
ward: 7
Timestamp | Description |
Sun May 23, 2021 12:38pm | Opened |
Sun May 23, 2021 12:37pm | Submitted via iPhone |