Road Repair at 714 Crowchild Tr NW

OPENED almost 3 years ago #21-00713581
Submitted Wed Sep 29, 2021

Manholes are too low and cause a massive bang on the suspension

Issue: Manhole (Too High or Too Low Only)

Specific details of the issue: Crowfoot trail south bound just north of 5th.

Specific location details: Crowfoot trail SB

Type of Road: Paved Public Road

address: 714 CROWCHILD TR NW

coordinates x,y: -8287.512024462623, 5658067.136773919

coordinates lat,lng: 51.05879276480601, -114.1182209261398

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Wed Sep 29, 2021 08:38pm Opened
Wed Sep 29, 2021 08:35pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone