Debris on Backlane(OLD) at 2715 16 Av SW

OPENED over 2 years ago #22-00082916
Submitted Mon Feb 07, 2022

2715 16 Ave SW

Type of Debris: Fridge or Freezer

Specific Details of issue: There is a huge pile of debris and fridge and stove sitting into the back alley

Specific Location Details: Side alley of 2715 16 Ave SW

address: 2715 16 AV SW

coordinates x,y: -8742.148104170956, 5655827.654552042

coordinates lat,lng: 51.03865374, -114.12465222

ward: 8

Timestamp Description
Mon Feb 07, 2022 02:21pm Opened
Mon Feb 07, 2022 02:18pm Submitted via Android Android