Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at John Laurie Blvd Nw, Calgary, Ab T3 G, Canada
Concern: Left Arrow Timing
Road you are travelling on: Sarcee trail NW. Coordinates: 51.120621,-114.166770
Direction of Travel: East
Time of Day: Evening
Describe Issue: Traffic light is very short only takes about five cars. Make it more longer.
address: 5999 JOHN LAURIE BV NW
coordinates x,y: -11672.066123232637, 5664954.3341970425
coordinates lat,lng: 51.12064729, -114.16672368
ward: 4
Timestamp | Description |
Mon Jun 13, 2022 03:02pm | Opened |
Mon Jun 13, 2022 03:00pm | Submitted via Android |