Debris on Backlane(OLD) at 6603 Bowwood Dr NW

CLOSED about 2 years ago #22-00417834
Submitted Sun Jun 19, 2022

Type of Debris: Broken Glass

Specific Details of issue: There is a pile of what seems to be food and glass in our back lane that we don't feel comfortable with cleaning up as we are unsure if there may be other dangerous items in with the garbage. Sorry there was no selection for this type of dumping.

Specific Location Details: In the back alley of 6603 Bowwood Dr NW

address: 6603 BOWWOOD DR NW

coordinates x,y: -12965.793732555698, 5661165.025195472

coordinates lat,lng: 51.08655513147059, -114.1850671075986

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:57am Closed
Sun Jun 19, 2022 09:47pm Opened
Sun Jun 19, 2022 09:45pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone