Fence or Structure Concern - City Property at 618 Martindale Bv NE

OPENED almost 2 years ago #22-00729035
Submitted Mon Oct 17, 2022

Business ess advertisement on a city train station fence

Issue: Damage or Vandalism

Type of Fence: Noise Barrier Wall or Sound Wall

Provide Specific Details of the Issue: This is a city fence for the train station and there is company advertisement on it that they heavily screwed into the fence

Specific Location details to assist crew to locate: Martindale train station

address: 618 MARTINDALE BV NE

coordinates x,y: 2269.018395742754, 5664603.335640891

coordinates lat,lng: 51.1176063, -113.9675915

ward: 5

Timestamp Description
Mon Oct 17, 2022 06:36pm Opened
Mon Oct 17, 2022 06:34pm Submitted via Android Android