Tree Maintenance - City Owned-WAM at 501 57 Ave SW Windsor Park

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1605082. - over 1 year ago #23-00059619
Submitted Thu Jan 26, 2023

follow up on SR22-00819892 (i lost the phone number to call UF back) - Our condo board has concern about the city-owned polar tree on our site- there is a low hanging branch that causes property/personal injury risk. I dont believe trimming actually occurred in Nov22 - we had reached out to ask if our hired arborists were able to clean up three city trees in question, but never heard back. my last update from UF was that the city had in fact trimmed both the poplar + ash, but no work happened.

Issue: Hanging Branch/Fallen Tree/Pickup

Location Details (Landmarks): Tree ID T-32051724 (west side of The Chinook Condo)

Specific details of your request: Can the low hanging branch please be trimmed? We are concerned it could damage common property or someone passing by should it break. Please contact by EMAIL is needed (phone is harder for me to get to with work commitments)

address: 501 57 AV SW

coordinates x,y: -5172.539700706154, 5651782.003694157

coordinates lat,lng: 51.0023275, -114.0736964

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Wed Feb 01, 2023 08:33am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1605082.
Thu Jan 26, 2023 09:51am Complete
Thu Jan 26, 2023 09:43am Opened
Thu Jan 26, 2023 09:40am Submitted via Web Web