Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 402 23 Av NW

CLOSED over 1 year ago #23-00062930
Submitted Fri Jan 27, 2023

Pooled frozen water on sidewalk

Nature of Concern: Heaving / Sinking Sidewalk

Type of Sidewalk: Concrete

Specific Details: Old driveway ramp pools with water then freezes ice across half of sidewalk. Pedestrian hazard to fall

Specific Location: 2nd st nw between 23 ave and 24 ave next to alley entrance west

If at intersection corner? Not at an intersection

address: 402 23 AV NW

coordinates x,y: -4741.259119396252, 5659705.436254275

coordinates lat,lng: 51.07356079118275, -114.0676553315509

ward: 7

Timestamp Description
Fri Jan 27, 2023 04:36pm Closed
Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:03pm Opened
Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:01pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone