Tree Maintenance - City Owned-WAM at 13610 24 St SW

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1605151. - over 1 year ago #23-00063515
Submitted Fri Jan 27, 2023

Fish Creek PP, Bebo Grove

Issue: Tree/Branch Obstruction

Location Details (Landmarks): Pathway to bridge 3, next to sorm water pond

Specific details of your request: Downed tree is obstructing pathway and damaged part of fence.

address: 13610 24 ST SW

coordinates x,y: -7861.288159699869, 5643605.6656629015

coordinates lat,lng: 50.9287931, -114.111828

ward: 13

Timestamp Description
Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:15am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1605151.
Fri Jan 27, 2023 02:49pm Complete
Fri Jan 27, 2023 02:41pm Opened
Fri Jan 27, 2023 02:39pm Submitted via Android Android