Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 116 Royal Crest Tc NW

CLOSED Completed - Close SR. Jan 28/2023 MC - Added to streetlight app (WR_ID=65447. - over 1 year ago #23-00064886
Submitted Sat Jan 28, 2023

1x street light in picture

Nature of Concern: Flickering / Cycling On/Off

What is Streetlight lighting? Walkway inbetween houses

Describe the issue: The street light in the picture turns on and off intermittently, one night to the next night

Any other location details: The street light with the issue is between house (116) and the adjacent neighbour (112)

address: 116 ROYAL CREST TC NW

coordinates x,y: -15319.354817885322, 5667125.19023728

coordinates lat,lng: 51.1400764, -114.2189134

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Sat Jan 28, 2023 01:11pm Closed with status: Completed - Close SR. Jan 28/2023 MC - Added to streetlight app (WR_ID=65447.
Sat Jan 28, 2023 01:11pm Completed - Close SR
Sat Jan 28, 2023 01:11pm Added to Streetlight Application
Sat Jan 28, 2023 01:04pm Opened
Sat Jan 28, 2023 01:03pm Submitted via Android Android