Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 42 Somerside Cr SW

CLOSED Completed - Close SR. 2023/03/22 --MA-- This location has already previously been added to the Roads Street Light Outage Map application. Please check the website for any updates. Closing 311 SR. Work Request # 66691; - over 1 year ago #23-00192878
Submitted Wed Mar 22, 2023

Nature of Concern: Many Lights Out

What is Streetlight lighting? Residential Roadway

Describe the issue: All the street lights are out on the north end of Somerside Crescent

Any other location details: Locations are not working on North end of Somerside Crescent all the way down to Somerside Bay

address: 42 SOMERSIDE CR SW

coordinates x,y: -6482.905957702649, 5640168.747270468

coordinates lat,lng: 50.89791259295109, -114.0921592973227

ward: 13

Timestamp Description
Mon Mar 27, 2023 08:25am Closed with status: Completed - Close SR. 2023/03/22 --MA-- This location has already previously been added to the Roads Street Light Outage Map application. Please check the website for any updates. Closing 311 SR. Work Request # 66691;
Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:23am Reopened with status: Completed - Close SR. 2023/03/22 --MA-- This location has already previously been added to the Roads Street Light Outage Map application. Please check the website for any updates. Closing 311 SR. Work Request # 66691;
Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:08pm Closed with status: Completed - Close SR. 2023/03/22 --MA-- This location has already previously been added to the Roads Street Light Outage Map application. Please check the website for any updates. Closing 311 SR. Work Request # 66691;
Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:08pm Completed - Close SR
Wed Mar 22, 2023 12:07pm Already reported on Streetlight App - No further action
Wed Mar 22, 2023 07:08am Opened
Wed Mar 22, 2023 07:06am Submitted via iPhone Iphone