Snow On City-maintained Pathway or Sidewalk-WAM at 51 Douglas Park Cl SE

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1608053. - over 1 year ago #23-00192891
Submitted Wed Mar 22, 2023

This area is always bad for melt but this year the snow was piled in a spot that has created a resivoir that's growing in depth and size daily. The fence on the right is in a foot of ice/water.

Type of Location: City - maintained sidewalk

address: 51 DOUGLAS PARK CL SE

coordinates x,y: 138.44749853711218, 5645084.551524828

coordinates lat,lng: 50.94214166666666, -113.99803

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Thu Mar 30, 2023 08:28am Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1608053.
Wed Mar 22, 2023 07:26am Complete
Wed Mar 22, 2023 07:17am Opened
Wed Mar 22, 2023 07:16am Submitted via iPhone Iphone