Snow On City-maintained Pathway or Sidewalk-WAM at 1804 Braemar Pl SW

CLOSED Complete. WAM SR# 1608322. - over 1 year ago #23-00205441
Submitted Sun Mar 26, 2023

City sidewalk totally iced over on southland drive just east of Braeside drive by bus shelter

Type of Location: City - maintained sidewalk

address: 1804 BRAEMAR PL SW

coordinates x,y: -7188.694292835739, 5647227.350299657

coordinates lat,lng: 50.96136035485346, -114.1023317216257

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Wed Mar 29, 2023 03:57pm Closed with status: Complete. WAM SR# 1608322.
Sun Mar 26, 2023 04:08pm Complete
Sun Mar 26, 2023 03:59pm Opened
Sun Mar 26, 2023 03:58pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone