Snow On City Road at 126 Copperfield Cl SE

CLOSED over 1 year ago #23-00211728
Submitted Tue Mar 28, 2023

Water cannot drain, 2' deep ruts in cul de sac. Cannot get cars out of driveway. Fix or I will and send you bill if it wrecks my car

Issue: Road Plowing/Clearing request - hazardous/emerg

Specific details of issue: No drainage. Deep ruts, cars bottom out. Tore mud flap off truck

Specific location details: Happens every year and I'm tired of this neglect. Deal with this or I will bobcat it all out into middle of road for you

address: 126 COPPERFIELD CL SE

coordinates x,y: 4058.812427402001, 5641621.7231863905

coordinates lat,lng: 50.91099688352423, -113.9422848110151

ward: 12

Timestamp Description
Sat Apr 01, 2023 01:22pm Closed
Tue Mar 28, 2023 07:17pm Opened
Tue Mar 28, 2023 07:17pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone