Snow On City Road at 126 Auburn Crest Wy SE
6" of ice buildup on public sidewalk is causing flooding of private property
Issue: Road Plowing/Clearing request - hazardous/emerg
Specific details of issue: 6" of ice build up in the back alley and public walkway is causing all surrounding area to flood
Specific location details: Public walkway at the address all the way through the back alley of Auburn Crest Way. Multiple properties affected by flooding due to ice build up causing snowmelt not being able to run off to the back lane/alley
address: 126 AUBURN CREST WY SE
coordinates x,y: 3850.4246223579407, 5639335.955580606
coordinates lat,lng: 50.89044937, -113.94527212
ward: 12
Timestamp | Description |
Sat Apr 01, 2023 12:42pm | Closed |
Fri Mar 31, 2023 09:21pm | Opened |
Fri Mar 31, 2023 09:20pm | Submitted via Android |