Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 1021 13 Av SW
Nature of Concern: Heaving / Sinking Sidewalk
Type of Sidewalk: Concrete
Specific Details: The sidewalk dips and does not drain. In the winter time it freezes over and becomes a slipping hazard in the summertime. It's just a giant ugly puddle that people have to negotiate around.
Specific Location: In front of the condo building at 102 1 13th Ave. SW.
If at intersection corner? Not at an intersection
address: 1021 13 AV SW
coordinates x,y: -5995.120729538904, 5656087.483579354
coordinates lat,lng: 51.04102474539274, -114.0854873627088
ward: 8
Timestamp | Description |
Sat Apr 01, 2023 04:21pm | Opened |
Sat Apr 01, 2023 04:19pm | Submitted via iPhone |