Snow On City Road at 168 Livingston Pr NE

CLOSED over 1 year ago #23-00227451
Submitted Tue Apr 04, 2023

On Livingston Parade, there is a large mound of ice there. It is very solid. And will not melt any time soon. It forces one lane of traffic to go to the oncoming traffic lane. It's either avoid the ice mound, or wreck your car. Please remove this hazard.

Issue: Road Plowing/Clearing request - hazardous/emerg

Specific details of issue: Big solid dangerous ice mound on street.

Specific location details: Livingston parade

address: 168 LIVINGSTON PR NE

coordinates x,y: -4702.306515935815, 5672105.912555867

coordinates lat,lng: 51.18503638484575, -114.0672612255242

ward: 3

Timestamp Description
Tue Apr 11, 2023 09:56am Closed
Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:21am Opened
Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:19am Submitted via iPhone Iphone