Streetlight Damage at 7008 Huntridge Hl NE

CLOSED about 1 year ago #23-00242754
Submitted Mon Apr 10, 2023

Is damage due to a Collision? No

What is Streetlight lighting? Residential Roadway

Nature of Damage: Pole - Access Panel is Open or Missing

Specific Damage Details: Access cover off. Electrical exposed to elements

Any other location details: Street light in front of address listed

address: 7008 HUNTRIDGE HL NE

coordinates x,y: -4442.113720657453, 5664383.968169046

coordinates lat,lng: 51.11562155, -114.06344421

ward: 4

Timestamp Description
Thu May 25, 2023 01:37pm Closed
Mon Apr 10, 2023 07:09pm Opened
Mon Apr 10, 2023 07:07pm Submitted via Android Android