Snow On City Road at 10915 Willowfern Dr SE

CLOSED over 1 year ago #23-00249710
Submitted Wed Apr 12, 2023

ice still on road .., street sweeping in 5 days?

Issue: Snow Plowed on Sidewalk

Specific details of issue: My street is scheduled for street sweeping in five days. There is about 6 inches of ice still on the road.

Specific location details: just FYI, street sweeping may not work with so much ice on the road and sidewalks?

address: 10915 WILLOWFERN DR SE

coordinates x,y: -3180.7269165939583, 5646523.686551196

coordinates lat,lng: 50.95507056335507, -114.0452718228235

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Thu Apr 13, 2023 06:48am Closed
Wed Apr 12, 2023 08:50pm Opened
Wed Apr 12, 2023 08:47pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone