Streetlight Damage at 38 Rocky Ridge Ht NW
Part of the reflector is missing or damaged, causing the light to point outwards instead of down
Is damage due to a Collision? No
What is Streetlight lighting? Residential Roadway
Nature of Damage: Light Fixture - Hanging or Open
Specific Damage Details: Part of the reflector is missing or damaged, causing the light to point outwards instead of down
Any other location details: Street light is located on corner of address
address: 38 ROCKY RIDGE HT NW
coordinates x,y: -16642.819193477517, 5667818.266959283
coordinates lat,lng: 51.14626989, -114.23785754
ward: 1
Timestamp | Description |
Fri May 12, 2023 08:04pm | Opened |
Fri May 12, 2023 08:03pm | Submitted via Android |