Sidewalk or Curb - Repair at 908 Ranchlands Bv NW
Nature of Concern: Protruding Sidewalk Edge (Trip Edge)
Type of Sidewalk: Concrete
Specific Details: Tripping hazard
Specific Location: Ranchlands BLVD Sidewalk between Ranchview Cir and Ranchview Drive
If at intersection corner? Not at an intersection
address: 908 RANCHLANDS BV NW
coordinates x,y: -12853.083279673301, 5664481.858862468
coordinates lat,lng: 51.11637467200763, -114.1835763965944
ward: 2
Timestamp | Description |
Wed May 17, 2023 08:10pm | Opened |
Wed May 17, 2023 08:09pm | Submitted via iPhone |